2023-07-06 15:48:22来源:红网
红网时刻新闻记者 陈珉颖 樊令钰 报道
The eighth congress of Hunan Disabled Person’s Federationis held today. Looking back on the past five years, Hunan has continued to promote the livelihood and well-being of people with disabilities, and a number of work for people with disabilities has taken the lead in the country.
Mangshan Wuzhifeng Scenic Area in Yizhang County, Chenzhou, Hunan Province, is the first barrier-freemountain tourist scenic spot in China, dedicated to exploring and innovating a fully accessible tourism model.
Currently, the scenic zone has constructed an 8kilometer wooden plank road and a 3.7kilometer detachable passenger cableway.It is equipped with 4 vertical elevators,1escalator, 7 lifting platforms,etc.
For the sporadic steps affected by the shape of the mountain, the scenic spot uses outdoor inclined and vertical wheelchair lifts to take the place of the steps.Wheelchair parking spaces and wheelchair-accessible viewing seats have also been installed.
Up to now, the scenic area has received tens of thousands of elderly people and visitors with disability, providing systematic services for them to realize their dream of reaching the summit and fulfilling their desire to enjoy the splendid landscapes.
Mangshan Wuzhifeng Scenic Area integrates the concept of humanistic care into all aspects of its development, construction, management, and service, paving the way for the integration of accessible tourism, inclusive tourism, and human-centered tourism development!
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